- It is ultimately your responsibility
- This is not an exhaustive training course; it is ultimately your own responsibility to ensure that you have the knowledge and aptitude to use equipment in the space safely.
- Keep the pink fleshy bits away from the sharp metal bits
- Know which parts move, which are stationary, and which are sharp.
- There are many great online resources about safety in the shop. These apply equally in professional environments and hobbyist environments like ours.
- Training
- Training is required in many areas, including the correct use of specific machines
- Ask if you aren’t sure
- If you are not comfortable with the use of a particular tool or machine, ask for help — don't just guess!
- Speak up if you see unsafe action
PPE [ photo ]
- There is a limited supply in PS in a large cabinet in the wood shop, by the pass-through to the metal shop (e.g. eye protection, dust masks, respirators), but these should be regarded as a "bonus". All members are advised to supply their own PPE appropriate to the tasks they undertake at Protospace.
- Eye protection
- is encouraged at all times — even in the classroom, airborne hazards may be present.
- It is mandatory if you are using any tool with a motor, or near anyone using a tool with a motor.
- Hearing protection
- Is also strongly advised any time you are working around noise.
- Respiratory protection
- Gloves
- Do not wear gloves when operating machinery.
- Do wear gloves when working with caustic substances.
- Closed-toe shoes
- Must be worn at all times at Protospace.
- Steel-toed work boots are a good idea.
- Loose or dangling clothing
- Poses a serious risk when worn near tools with moving parts.
- Examples of inappropriate attire around machines:
- Baggy sweaters
- neckties
- jewelry: rings, chains
- Headphones
- You need to hear machines and others, while working in an area with power tools.
- Synthetic materials
- Do not wear when working with fire or other extreme/potential heat sources. It can melt to the wearer and turn a minor mishap into a major incident.
- Guards
- Always check that all appropriate guards are in place and properly adjusted before using machinery.
- Settings
- Even if you left a tool for 5 minutes, someone might use it.
- Always use a brush or vacuum to remove chips/cuttings. Do not use your hand, nor compressed air.